Solutions for a Future-ready Workforce

HR Assessments

Neo Auvra’s HR Assessments conducted for employees and managers reveal how individuals perform in real-life situations and provide organizations with a comprehensive understanding of their employees' abilities. These evaluations empower businesses with the capability to accurately identify high-potential employees, increase employee retainment and experience, combat talent shortage, increase job satisfaction, heighten employer branding, and enhance their skills to build a future-ready workforce.

Discover the power of VR.

Unlike traditional assessments that rely on self-reported data, Neo Auvra’s assessments provide a comprehensive and objective evaluation, as a result of true ecological validity.

The pillar of accurate evaluations

Ecological Validity

True ecological validity is attained through the use of immersive environments and the science of embodied cognition, gesture-based computing, and kinesthetics. 

Simulating real-world settings and situations in VR, our assessments induce a sense of physical presence within a digital environment, creating an experience that results in a more natural human response. Our virtual reality technology is designed to elicit genuine emotions and behaviors by activating the same neural pathways as real-life experiences, enabling seamless interaction with the user’s surroundings in VR. Compared to conventional 2D neuropsychological NPT tests, this quality of Ecological Validity yields more accurate data, because participants behave as they would in a real-world environment.

Ecological Validity & Immersive Environments

The platform uses ecologically valid VR scenarios to simulate real-world environments, making the assessments more relevant and reflective of how individuals will perform in actual job settings. This immersive approach captures genuine behaviors that cannot be easily replicated with traditional assessment methods.

Actionable Reports & Tailored Insights

The detailed reports generated by the platform offer actionable guidance to HR departments, helping them make informed decisions in talent acquisition, employee development, and team management. The system’s customizability allows reports to be tailored to specific industry needs and job roles.

Multi-dimensional Skill Assessment

Assessments cover a wide range of cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical skills simultaneously, providing a holistic evaluation of an individual. This multi-faceted approach ensures that no single aspect of performance is overlooked, offering a more comprehensive understanding of an employee's capabilities.

Objective Biometric Data Integration

By integrating biometric data collection (such as heart rate variability, eye tracking, and other physiological responses), the platform provides objective, quantifiable insights into how employees react to different challenges. This minimizes bias and gives an accurate picture of stress tolerance, focus, and emotional regulation.

Companies must revise the conventional ways of assessing human resources competencies in order to adapt to the needs of a new era of continuous digitalization and changing working models.

Attention - Mental Operation Performance  - Information Processing - Emotional Stamina - Physical Fitness  - Cognitive Load Management - Coping With Ambiguity - Empathy (Behavioral Empathy*) - Tenacity - Positive Mindset - Fluid Reasoning  - Unconventional Solution Approach  - Business Acumen   - Network Building/Leveraging   - Embracing Diversity and Inclusion  - Conflict Management  - Tech Savviness/Digital Dexterity  - Nimble Learning  - Sense Of Urgency  -

Attention - Mental Operation Performance  - Information Processing - Emotional Stamina - Physical Fitness  - Cognitive Load Management - Coping With Ambiguity - Empathy (Behavioral Empathy*) - Tenacity - Positive Mindset - Fluid Reasoning  - Unconventional Solution Approach  - Business Acumen   - Network Building/Leveraging   - Embracing Diversity and Inclusion  - Conflict Management  - Tech Savviness/Digital Dexterity  - Nimble Learning  - Sense Of Urgency  -

New-Generation Competencies

Our model is based on a set of new-generation approaches in designating and assessing human resources competencies. By tailoring assessment domains to target new-generation competencies, our assessment reports act as a guide on how one can improve their workplace-based competencies. Our assessment platform specifically targets the evaluation of individuals‘ competencies, based on a scientific analysis of the working areas of the brain. 

At the core of our real-life approach lies ecological validity, which is an effective method of performance testing in real world settings, within a virtual reality environment. 

Our new-generation reports guide companies and human resources departments to discover and reveal employee potential in terms of health, social integration, and work performance. These reports provide individuals with an objective view of their improvement areas while also allowing companies to compare the level of competencies between job groups and departments. By offering guidance on how to identify, position, and invest in potential, our reports empower organizations in key strategic processes.

  • Discover individual competencies, strengths, weak areas, and blindspots.

  • Compare departments, units, and teams. See how well your company performs as a whole.

  • This comprehensive approach examines the range of leadership styles utilized by a company's executive team. The resulting report presents an in-depth analysis of the executive team’s behavioral approaches in guiding team members and identifies potential areas for improvement for the executive team.

    However, it is important to note that leadership styles are influenced by multiple factors, including socio-economic conditions, corporate culture, and team dynamics.

    The outlined classification highlights the unique traits of each leadership style, but these styles aren't mutually exclusive-they may share some characteristics with neighboring styles. It is recommended that the leadership styles in this table be evaluated in light of the culture and team characteristics of the institution in question.

  • This report provides a collective analysis of the Virtual Reality based human resources competency assessment results for employees at said company. This summary highlights the collective findings and common themes identified across the individual assessments, providing a foundation for tailored recommendations to further enhance the teams skills and capabilities.

Transform Insights into Impact

Acquire & Manage Talent

Retain & Promote Employees

Create & Invest in Talent Pools

Navigate Up-skilling & Re-skilling Strategies

Discover & Invest in Employee Potential

Train & Improve Blind Spots

Build a Future-Proof Workforce by Analyzing Multidimensional New-Generation Skill Sets of Employees

Enable HR to Ideally Shape Existing Teams

Bridge the gap & optimize your team

Get in touch to upgrade your evaluation process with VR assessments for a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of employee and department competencies